Monday, February 21, 2011

dear..listen to me

kenapa ujian seberat ini?
>>Allah tidak membebani seseorang itu melainkan dengan kesanggupannya...
Al-Baqarah: 286

rasa frust!
>>Janganlah kamu bersikap lemah dan jangan pula kamu bersedih hati, padahal kamulah orang yang paling tinggi darjatnya jika kamu orang yang beriman...
Al-Imran: 139

bagaimana harus aku menghadapinya?
>>Dan mintalah pertolongan dengan jalan yang sabar dan mengerjakan solat, dan sesungguhnya solat itu amatlah berat kecuali bagi orang yang khusyuk...
Al-Baqarah: 45

apa yang aku dapat daripada semua ini?
>>Sesungguhnya Allah telah membeli daripada orang mukmin, diri dan harta mereka dengan memberi syurga untuk mereka...
At-Taubah: 111

arghh!!!..aku sudah tidak dapat bertahan lagi!!
>>Dan janganlah kamu berputus asa dari rahmat Allah melainkan kaum yang kafir...
Yusuf: 87

~~di mana ada kemahuan, di situ ada jalan~~
Malay's quote

~when going is tough, the tough get going~
Cikgu Rosli


all the way up!

Saturday, february 19th, 2011...i missed the "pt pagi" with others..been busy with stuffs etc...i'd done it in my room, with seat-up and push-up for about 10-20 times...hik3 normal value isn't it?;p

by the way..right now i am quite happy (50% less, actually)...its like 2 down, lots more to go=( 4 more first tests,  with the combination of assignments and first lab report about "ship theory"...yup i am still smile just like her...
she's cute when she smile right? edited photo, by satyakki..HQ picture if i'd say..
then i just remembered a song about smile = senyum...have a bit of its melody

malique ft najwa - senyum

last friday night, my house mates and me were having BBQ..reason? yup..just for fun...sponsored, of course by me..1st time bbq was Faiz...its fine for me, sebab semua rezeki yang ada semua hak Allah..besides, when we give one to other, we'll get double..insyaallah, ini janji Dia...:-) never ever argue it orait?

need to put a fullstop, for now...still, need to work hard - lazy...autocad things, huhhh...;p

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

what a calm and cool day...blessed day

let's try shall we?;p

mahu pakai BM boleh tak? maleh den nok pikio BI ni...=))

yup...14 rabiul awal 1432H bersamaan 15 februari 2011..walaupun sudah berlalu tetapi inilah hari yang paling aman pernah aku alami..panas tapi tak terasa bahangnya..hujan tapi tak terasa kedinginannya...masya Allah..selawat dan salam ke atas junjungan Nabi Allah Muhammad..ya Rasulullah..sesungguhnya aku amatlah merinduimu...penuh harapan untuk berjumpa denganmu...amin ya Rabb

pagi nanti aku akan sertai perbarisan pagi..this week the sispa will take head incharge...and this'll be my first coming...sebabnya, yang lepas selalu bangun lewat;p lepas balik daripada perjumpaan dengan pegawai paling mantap, Encik Raja Arisham, dia maklumkan yang kali ini mungkin the last time but not for me..sebab tahun depan aku masih lagi ada lagi..i'll be the super senior..hahaa

not to mention, petangnya pula aku mungkin turun gelanggang..mahu mantapkan lagi stamina,fitness..ya i'll have some matches with the chinese player..and my team mate Zaim...hahaa best main dengan mereka..sedikit sebanyak dapat belajar, dapat tunjuk skil aku juga...hihiii

so then, you guys..good luck and all the best...and enjoy these videos=)
::jaga iman dan amal::

opick - tafakur

bondan prakoso & fade2black - ya sudahlah

sabrina - insomnia

estrella - stay

raihan - ya nabi salam alaik

maher zain - ya nabi salam alayka

Saturday, February 12, 2011

14th February VS 12 Rabi'ul Awwal

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what a week..really pissed me off..and not at least the bad week at all..subhanaallah..i am really grateful to Allah because i am being tested as this much..thank you ya Rabb=)

further time before there were some people came to me and said quite something "kelantan and other places are just the same..EASY and CHEAP" first i just did nothing..then when i knew its not about shopping, i replied them "you just dont lowly say to them as simple as that..."..quite a while and i just leave them angrily but deep down i did thought about it "is it true?"..may Allah show me the best answer amin amin amin...

well then nothing much to say 'coz im a boring person...doing usual things daily..did repeated maher zain's album couple of times.not to mentioned other genres..keep looking at all the 'impossible-to-answer' questions, tried many but none..keep update with manga *wink* and yup...thats me=) thanks you guys so much!

so there will be the world wide celebration of Valentine's point..we Muslim are not do this stuff..MUST NOT!!!!

these some must-see videos..think a second about it=)

we do need re-think about it aren't we..

good Muslim parents should follow this example

do research..thats the key