Monday, April 4, 2011

3 in 1

what is crossing your mind when you read this entry?
instant coffee?
is it milo fuze??
yes all the answers given are correct..actually i've nothing to say at this hour..
well it is about me..get something "3 in 1"..both motor and car driving license,and diving license...yippey!!!
maybe thats nothing for others,
but with these i do show to my parent that i can really do something for them...
mood: "50-50"
condition: really stressful
side-effect: less sleep, more eat, more sensitive
solution (s): ___________ (please fill in the blank)
that is for now..
going to re-plan the tactics, watch new movies, and smile always!!!!=)
p/s: no fb,tw,ms,fs etc for now...just blog


  1. solution:baca al-quran..bangun tahajjud and tido awall..:) insyaALLAH ketenangan milik mu sahabat:)
