a: eh aku dengar ko nak extend ek?
b: *buat-buat terkejut* takdelah..bile mase pulok aku nak extendnye...
a: bukan ape, aku dengar orang cakap-cakap je...
b: hahahaa..tulah..mulut jahat sungguh
actually b won't think that his friend a is that bad person. b tries his best to positively think that a really talk with him with none other than good intention. that's why b "buat-buat terkejut", because he knew about it all along. he (b) tried his best to prove to the others that whatsoever people talk bad behind him, he won't extend, and he will graduate just like the rest. it's just his problem with his supervisor, his thesis, his own personal and himself, which is no one knows. furthermore, he did remembered one of the "ummahatul mukminin". her name is Sayyidatina Aishah binti Abu Bakar As-Siddiq ra. i said to myself, "ape yang as-Siddiqah lalui jauh lebih teruk daripada aku. kalau macam ni pun aku takleh redah ape lagi hari-hari mendatang."
yup i will keep doing my things, because i know what am i doing and obviously it's not wrong. i will finish my thesis within short time. insya Allah.
"ya Allah, sesungguhnya aku memohon kepadaMu sifat rajin serta mahmudah, petunjuk, ketaqwaan, kesucian diri, dan kekayaan, dan aku memohon perlindungan kepadaMu daripada sifat malas serta mazmumah, supaya aku dapat menghabiskan projek akhir tahun dalam pengajian sarjana mudaku ini, demi keluarga dan agamaku yang tercinta ini."
amin ya Rabb.
hope for the best, do the best to become the best! |