Wednesday, April 18, 2012

just simple sentence - doa

wordless wednesday???;p

this picture shows/ says that:

Allah knows everything
even though your doa is mute
Allah listens everything
even though you do not ask
no need to ask
Allah knew what you want already
but why must ask?
=because it's sign of a servant=

"ho ma do'o sokmo doh ko akih eh"
thank you mom
i really wish you know that i am glad to hear just that
that simple sentence


last night (17/4/2012)
my crew of year 4 heroes and heroins
done our practice
which they called "pra-bst"
but not so lucky...
2 of my crew mates were injured
i pray for their regeneration
so that they can return to their aggressive form;p

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Maher Zain - Number One For Me Music Video

assalamualaikum folks =)
been busy lately...
here's the latest single from brother Maher Zain
album cover (from google)
this song...
it's perfectly fit with us called son/ daughter of our parents..


i was a foolish little child
crazy things i used to do
and all the pain i put you through
mama now i'm here for you

for all the times i made you cry
the days i told you lies
now it's time for you to rise
for all the things you sacrificed

oh, if i could turn back time rewind
if i could make it undone
i swear that i would
i would make it up to you

mum i'm all grown up now
it's a brand new day
i'd like to put a smile on your face every day
mum i'm all grown up now
and it's not too late
i'd like to put a smile on your face every day

and now i finally understand
your famous line
about the day i'd face in time
'cause now i've got a child of mine

and even though i was so bad
i've learned so much from you
now i'm trying to do it too
love my kid the way you do

oh, if i could turn back time rewind
if i could make it undone
i swear that i would
i would make it up to you

oh, if i could turn back time rewind
if i could make it undone
i swear that i would
i would make it up to you

mum i'm all grown up now
it's a brand new day
i'd like to put a smile on your face every day
mum i'm all grown up now
and it's not too late
i'd like to put a smile on your face every day

you know you are the number one for me
you know you are the number one for me
you know you are the number one for me
oh, oh, number one for me

you know you are the number one for me
you know you are the number one for me
you know you are the number one for me
oh, oh, number one for me

there's no one in this world that can take your place
oh, i'm sorry for ever taking you for granted, ooh
i will use every chance i get
to make you smile, whenever i'm around you
now i will try to love you like you love me
only god knows how much you mean to me

oh, if i could turn back time rewind
if i could make it undone
i swear that i would
i would make it up to you

mum i'm all grown up now
it's a brand new day
i'd like to put a smile on your face every day
mum i'm all grown up now
and it's not too late
i'd like to put a smile on your face every day

mum i'm all grown up now
it's a brand new day
i'd like to put a smile on your face every day
mum i'm all grown up now
and it's not too late
i'd like to put a smile on your face every day

the number one for me
the number one for me
the number one for me
oh, oh, number one for me

Monday, April 16, 2012


a: eh aku dengar ko nak extend ek?
b: *buat-buat terkejut* takdelah..bile mase pulok aku nak extendnye...
a: bukan ape, aku dengar orang cakap-cakap je...
b: hahahaa..tulah..mulut jahat sungguh


actually b won't think that his friend a is that bad person. b tries his best to positively think that a really talk with him with none other than good intention. that's why b "buat-buat terkejut", because he knew about it all along. he (b) tried his best to prove to the others that whatsoever people talk bad behind him, he won't extend, and he will graduate just like the rest. it's just his problem with his supervisor, his thesis, his own personal and himself, which is no one knows. furthermore, he did remembered one of the "ummahatul mukminin". her name is Sayyidatina Aishah binti Abu Bakar As-Siddiq ra. i said to myself, "ape yang as-Siddiqah lalui jauh lebih teruk daripada aku. kalau macam ni pun aku takleh redah ape lagi hari-hari mendatang."

yup i will keep doing my things, because i know what am i doing and obviously it's not wrong. i will finish my thesis within short time. insya Allah.

"ya Allah, sesungguhnya aku memohon kepadaMu sifat rajin serta mahmudah, petunjuk, ketaqwaan, kesucian diri, dan kekayaan, dan aku memohon perlindungan kepadaMu daripada sifat malas serta mazmumah, supaya aku dapat menghabiskan projek akhir tahun dalam pengajian sarjana mudaku ini, demi keluarga dan agamaku yang tercinta ini."
amin ya Rabb.


hope for the best, do the best to become the best!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

each day is a gift

**ehem ehemm eheemmmm**
**now presenting**
**the happy faces of mine**

last day before "switch" to that rehabilitation room

urmm..forgot about what did they looked at..may be the practical nurse

**and featuring** 

so comot right?;p but she's the queen of my heart <3

assalamualaikum guys =) how are u today? better be better than yesterday ok!
thanks a lot for those who prayed for mom..she's getting better now..alhamdulillah^^ she is now under the physiotherapy aka physical therapy (from google;p)..

this is the physio-thing..pendek kate senaman untuk pemulihan pesakit gitu;-)

both guys are the cikgu physio-thing (actually there's a female cikgu but she's busy), and of course both legs are not mom's ok!;p

last few days, i got some events..urmm there's friendly matches (jadi player import untuk team unisza lawan uitm dungun), pra-rekrut for juniors, kursus pengurusan jenazah, latihan tempatan, perarakan palestin, eating, sleeping, "dota"ing.....;p thank God, it all went well (although the matches not quite well)..anyhow hopefully days to come will be a lot better..hope for my fyp too...(T.T)

still fighting that "malas" viruses...arghhhh..keep fighting!

"Sesungguhnya Allah tidak akan mengubah keadaan suatu kaum sebelum mereka mengubah keadaan diri mereka sendiri." [13:11]

"Mudah-mudahan Tuhanku menunjukkan jalan yang benar kepadaku." [28:22]

"...Allah yang memberikan petunjuk hidayahNya kepada sesiapa yang dikehendakiNya ke jalan yang lurus."

"...sesungguhnya Allah tidak akan mengubah sesuatu nikmat yang telah dikurniakanNya kepada sesuatu kaum sehingga mereka mengubah apa yang ada pada diri mereka sendiri..." [Al-Anfaal:53]

insya Allah..aku akan istiqamah melaksanakan kewajipanku wahai Tuhan sekalian alam..aminn ya Rabb

pra-perajurit "eksesais wira belantara"

umt-unisza boys team

umt-unisza girls team

latihan tempatan..with my junior (senior, inter, and junior)..

incik pengurus jenazah with volunteer-student helper;p

demo kekejaman israel laknatullah ke atas palestin di masjid unisza lepas solat jumaat

this one is for your mom..enjoy!

stay happy - stay istiqamah