nothing to say much because i'm borrowing my sister's broadband..right now its the mid-sem break and a lot things happen while i'm not around the blog...being accused, being stressed, being dumped, getting here and there etc...well not that too much, and after this break i will be in this current situation but only with the triple 'force' than normal...huk3..insyaallah i can make through all this with Him=)
devotees - kekasih (full version, movie clip from Disney's: Up)
while listening to this evergreen music, i 've been wondering that if there anything else that i'd totally forgot to idea..hope so..astaghfirullah..what a day..1completed, the only left is on 8hb..
"Ya Allah..jika ini adalah ujian bagiku untuk mengukur tahap keimanan dan ketaqwaanku terhadap-Mu, sesungguhnya aku amat bersyukur serta redha diuji sebegini..hanya Engkau yang mengetahui batas kemampuanku serta buruk baik untukku..tiada yang lebih berkuasa,melainkan Engkau yang Maha Esa, yang Maha Berkuasa di langit dan di bumi...aminn ya Rabb..."
...even though i have trained to restrain these circumstances..but its still not 100% fit to that aim..i will keep trying to do as best i can do.."do more expect less"..need to figure out these words soon...wish me luck!
what a day...quite "lifeless" for a while..from morning until night, my rental house was "run out" of electricity..hik3;p a test to see whether my house mates and me are fitted to survive or not...after returned home from night class, it seems to be back as usual..alhamdulillah..
well..all the crickets is chirping as always they were, in the middle of this chill breeze with the low-rate download per second and the blog..hopefully, tomorrow will be better than the past insyaallah..only He knows what is the most suitable things to me...
"senyum sokmo"
still..not very good-mood-well-hope day yet...why? well...there is always a problem when it comes to man or woman, isn't it?=)
"Allah have purchased of the Believers their persons and their goods for theirs (in return) is the Garden (of Paradise): they fight in His Cause, and slay and are slain: a promise binding on Him in Truth, through the Law, the Gospel, and the Quran. And who is more faithful to his covenant than Allah? Then rejoice in the bargain which ye have concluded: that is the achievement supreme." At-Taubah:111
well just for the share..that person gave me this and the person want me to have a look..."jaga iman dan amal"
"yesterday is better than today, and tomorrow will better than today"
betul tak? main redah je ni;p maksud tersiratnya; kalau dibuat perbandingan semalam, hari ni, dan esok, seseorang itu akan dikatakan maju ke hadapan, tidak maju, atau tiada perubahan, berdasarkan perbandingan itu..hik3 thanks to my beloved BM's teachers for taught me these=) the middle of freezing 0321 with the chirping of crickets, i do this blog updating..haihhh dgn serabut serabai permulaan semester & ntah pape hal yg ntah pape...this is the start for the new me, new aim, new low-spirit..macam-macam ada la katakan..byk bnd jgk bhrap utk tahun ni..for short-term and long-term...sume kite plan, tp Dia yg tentukn..lau molek utk kite, Dia 'go on'kn..lau x, Dia 'tukar laen'...
ouwh dikau hanya dikau..yg pnting.....pastikan Dia yg pertama,di awal dan di akhir..insyaallah sume akan lancar...hrp2 cinta Dia terus bersemi lam lubuk hati khilaf ni...*ni la habuan menaip pagi2;p*
hope it will be constantly stay on, istiqamah...aminn ya Rabb!
Going to deliver Binks' Sake!
Following the sea breeze! Riding on the waves!
Far across the salty depths! The merry evening sun!
The birds sing as they draw circles in the sky !
Farewell to the harbor, To my old hometown
Lets all sing out with a Don! As the ship sets sail
Waves of gold and silver dissolve to salty spray
As we all set sail to the ends of the sea
Going to deliver Binks' Sake!
We are pirates sailing through the Sea!
The waves are our pillows, The ship our roost
Flying the proud skull on our flags and our sails
Now comes a storm through the far-off sky
Now the waves are dancing, Beat upon the drums
If you lose your nerve this breath could be your last
But if you just hold on, The morning sun will rise
Going to deliver Binks' Sake!
Today, and tomorrow, our dreams through the night!
Waving our goodbyes, we'll never meet again!
But don't look so down, For at night the moon will rise!
Going to deliver Binks' Sake!
Let's all sing it with a Don! A song of the waves
Doesn't matter who you are, Someday you'll just be bones
Never-Ending, Ever-wandering, Our funny Traveling tale!
pagi-pagi macam ni pun tak boleh tido..haihhhh....lampu sudah jadi hitam, kipas pun pusing laju tapi apakan daya..mata belum mahu, turutkan saje la..hik3
kowg sume sihat x..hrp2 sume molek2 jah=)
sy xdk pape nk cte sbnrnye..saje xdk wt pape..dh lme xblogging...emm da lame ke?;p banjir kt ganu n klntn pun mkin surut..minyak pom makin naik harga, dgn barang seangkatan..ahahhaa bila bosan sudah menyerang(>.<)
senyum sokmo k? orait~~~
hik3..selingan di kala hati berduka..B-) xdk kje sbnrnye..asgmt pn xbyk ag so bley aa duk mcarut marut kt sni...utk ghaibkn rase sakit kt ati n gigi..ish encik kuman..npe la mu dtg time2 yg pelik..sakitnye gigi ubat yg dibaginye plok ubat gastrik..apakah???=))
sy skrg xdk wt pape sgt..maen jek byk...azam thun lps da ke mane...thun ni plok hrp2 ade la mane2 tu;p bia ari ni ag ok dpd smlm,esk ag baek dpd ari ni..kn3?
lau busan2..tgk anime@manga, or dgr lagu2 anime..
rajin skit p maen ptg2..
lau aq duk rmh, pg ahad tgg bdk ni ngn katun laen;p
gambar latest pom edit-cut-copy-paste..hu3 malas bgambar..gambar time lthn thunan;-)
skrg??? tgg muvi siap didwnld, dgr2 sape sumbat gol epl, maybe akan try dota map yg baru;p
motif? saje nk gtaw tu..kot2 ade yg xsedia maklum...but im totally sure you guys are not in the group..yeah..2011..1432H..ahlan wasahlan..selamat datang..welcome..huanying..vannakam..V(^^) yg mane happy2 teruskan with limited (jangan lagho) yg mane xbape nk happy2 tutup yg tu wt yg baru...kdg2 sedey+menyakitkan+down giler ouwh tp cool beb..idop bkn tuk sume tu...
mtk maap bebanyak sbb lame x update...malas p cc, malas pnjam broadband ptg mlm melekat ngn dota..selit2 ngn hal2 li..xdk pape pn sepnjg cuti ni..nothings special as for the normal person as i am=) so here i am now at umt..baru jek smpai lam 6pm waktu tmpatan..thanks for my friend..sahabat seusrah sufian aka pian..t pelepas teo peng k;p
yup...lthn thunn ari tu..sukses dgn happy+sad+exciting+various feeling more...ahaks..tiap pertemuan ade perpisahan..namum perpisahan itu akan berputik satu jalinan ukhwah yang akan berkekalan selamanya..chewah;p i'll upload more and include the reunion during the holiday...thanks for the coming..kimi,epy,emad,said,ise,sedi,balye,anis,ika,wani,ipang,asmarina,zaihan..ade ag ek? sry..pokcik time we'll make it even better ok? with more friends...
well..let me stop right here, for now..lapo aa;p i'll write more..untill then..
p/s: no pic for this..;p
selamat tahun baru masihi 2011 dan hijriah 1432H...hrp2 sume molek2 lake..V(^^)..jage iman dan amal...