**ehem ehemm eheemmmm**
**now presenting**
**the happy faces of mine**
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last day before "switch" to that rehabilitation room |
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urmm..forgot about what did they looked at..may be the practical nurse |
**and featuring**
so comot right?;p but she's the queen of my heart <3 |
assalamualaikum guys =) how are u today? better be better than yesterday ok!
thanks a lot for those who prayed for mom..she's getting better now..alhamdulillah^^ she is now under the physiotherapy aka physical therapy (from google;p)..
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this is the physio-thing..pendek kate senaman untuk pemulihan pesakit gitu;-) |
both guys are the cikgu physio-thing (actually there's a female cikgu but she's busy), and of course both legs are not mom's ok!;p
last few days, i got some events..urmm there's friendly matches (jadi player import untuk team unisza lawan uitm dungun), pra-rekrut for juniors, kursus pengurusan jenazah, latihan tempatan, perarakan palestin, eating, sleeping, "dota"ing.....;p thank God, it all went well (although the matches not quite well)..anyhow hopefully days to come will be a lot better..hope for my fyp too...(T.T)
still fighting that "malas" viruses...arghhhh..keep fighting!
"Sesungguhnya Allah tidak akan mengubah keadaan suatu kaum sebelum mereka mengubah keadaan diri mereka sendiri." [13:11]
"Mudah-mudahan Tuhanku menunjukkan jalan yang benar kepadaku." [28:22]
"...Allah yang memberikan petunjuk hidayahNya kepada sesiapa yang dikehendakiNya ke jalan yang lurus."
"...sesungguhnya Allah tidak akan mengubah sesuatu nikmat yang telah dikurniakanNya kepada sesuatu kaum sehingga mereka mengubah apa yang ada pada diri mereka sendiri..." [Al-Anfaal:53]
insya Allah..aku akan istiqamah melaksanakan kewajipanku wahai Tuhan sekalian alam..aminn ya Rabb
latihan tempatan..with my junior (senior, inter, and junior).. |
incik pengurus jenazah with volunteer-student helper;p |
demo kekejaman israel laknatullah ke atas palestin di masjid unisza lepas solat jumaat |
this one is for your mom..enjoy!
stay happy - stay istiqamah
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